
A Collaboration Environment For Music Enthusiasts


Gandharv is a tool designed with a vision to bridge creative gaps for music enthusiasts by making collaboration easy. Its aim is to provide a collaborative environment that can assist in effective and efficient music composition

Source Code

The source code URL will be available shortly

Feel free to get in touch if you want to contribute to the project by improving different components, reporting issues, etc

Project Presentation

The project presentation can be viewed on SlideShare at this URL: http://www.slideshare.net/miths1108/gandharv

Project Posters

  • describes the architecture along with the screenshots...

  • a poster for the targer users...

Project Guide

Prof. Sanjay Goel

Special Thanks To

Mr. Anurag Dixit
Mr. Yougansh Sharma


Sweksha Tripathi
Anupam Sanghi